It's one thing to write an album and pay for all the production out of your own pocket (musician fee's, sound engineer fee's, CD prints and distribution, etc. I'm all too familiar with this one :~). It's another thing entirely to ask several dozen people you know and a majority you DO NOT know to help fund your future concept album!
I am currently finishing up editing the video to my future (soon to be public) Kickstarter campaign. The editing of this video has gone very well. What was tricky in the making of this video was having it gel with the overall theme of something I haven't completed musically/lyrically, or thematically just yet while gently prodding the 800 lb. virtual gorilla in the room - coaxing it to walk up each one of your magical computer monitor's with it's hand held out and asking for money. Not an easy feat! (No gorilla in the actual video :~P)
Samuel E. Kirkman (highly skilled illustrator/graphic novelist) and I have agreed to merge creatively on my future concept album endeavor. If you would like to view a couple of the rough sketches that Sam has already sent to me (a lot of other visual/audible samples will be available to you via my newsletter as we progress further), simply sign up on my mailing list! (yeah, it's a lure. Simply click on the "Get a Free Song" link on the upper left side of my main web page and add your email address). Once you sign up you will be prompted to download a free song! Next you will soon receive my newsletter in your email box (or spam box) with Sam's awesome samples to view (rough digital sketches) for the future concept album. In future newsletters you will also receive rough song samples (small - 30 second samplers) from my future album. You will also be eligible to win t-shirts, mugs, hats, etc from the many contests I post on my website. Along with all that, you will receive juicy information you just don't see in this here Posterous post.
I am looking at a late winter/early spring 2013 release right now (iTunes, CDBaby, Spotify,, etc). I also plan to have a nice physical CD and CD cover laden with Sam's amazing illustrations available around that time as well. I am very much looking forward to the rest of this year and the first half of 2013!
Sam and I are also talking about creating an online digital web comic reflecting the theme of my concept album. This will be a static, "one-time" digital comic (i.e. it will not be continually updated like most digital comic books do).
More news in the upcoming newsletter. Sign up on my mailing list! This is going to be so damn cool!
Much love to you all,
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